What is the process?
When you submit an enquiry about becoming a Trustee with RIAC, we’ll review your information and set up a call so you we can find out a bit more about you, your skills, and interests, and you can find out a bit more about us. Assuming at the end of the call that both we and you feel this is something we want to take further, we’ll then review your data and aim to match you with suitable organisations seeking new Trustees.
After matching, we’ll make you up to three offers of potential organisations and invite you to put them in order of preference (or to reject them if you feel they really don’t suit). We’ll then set up a call or meeting with each organisation (unless rejected), which might include being part of an established Board recruitment process, or might be more informal. Everyone will feed back to RIAC after these meetings.
Once mutual agreement has been reached on what would be the most suitable Trusteeship for you, the organisation will proceed to appointment, RIAC will appoint a mentor with relevant experience, and you and your mentor will agree how often you’ll catch up going forwards.
Hopefully everything will run smoothly, and you’ll have gained a rewarding new string to your bow, as well as an arts organisation having gained an effective and enthusiastic new Trustee. But in the rare event that that’s not the case, the team at RIAC will be here to advise…